Join us for our Sunday Morning service at 9:30am to 10:30am






Welcome to the Web Space of First Presbyterian Church of Baldwin.  If you are looking for a perfect church you should probably try elsewhere, but if you want to be part of a group of imperfect people seeking to connect their lives to God while enriching the life of their community, then this is a great place to be.


The focus of everything we do is our weekly worship service. As we open our hearts to God we are empowered to serve.  We worship in a traditional way, sharing in new and old songs that have blessed the Christian community, participating in liturgy, and listening for God’s Word through scripture and reflection.


The congregation is supportive of numerous mission activities both locally and beyond, including collecting nonperishable food for a local food bank and preparing food for a local food kitchen once a month.   We offer our church building as a resource to a nursery school, Alcoholics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Girl Scouts, the Freeport Community Band, and others who need a place to gather.  


Our fellowship activities include an annual bike ride, a monthly Women’s Breakfast, a needlework group, and many shared meals throughout the year.


Come and join us! We’d love to have you on board as we travel together on a journey of discovery shaped and inspired by the love of God we together find in Jesus Christ.


Health Accommodations

We offer worship both in person and online every Sunday.  Masks are available for those who attend in person, and when local levels of respiratory illness are high, attendees are encouraged to mask and take other precautions.  Anyone not feeling well is encouraged to worship from home. 


Our online service is live and interactive, with a dedicated usher engaging verbally and in the chat with virtual participants.  

Sign up  HERE to receive the weekly bulletin email, which includes the service prayers and words to all the hymns. 




Worship at First Pres Baldwin is traditional in form, but flexible in style. Music ranges from classic to more contemporary, and we regularly call on the talents of the congregation on piano, organ, guitar, drums, trumpet, violin, and more. We sign hymns, read the Bible, and learn how to bring God and discipleship into our everyday lives.

Come as you are, or as you want - there's no dress code.  The minister might be in a robe, or maybe a t-shirt, sneakers and a kilt.  You'll be greeted at the door and given a program with everything you need to participate in the service. 



Thoughout the year we gather as a church family just to enjoy each other's company.  Annual events include

  • pancake breakfast on Palm Sunday
  • marching in the Baldwin Memorial Day Parade
  • women's dinner in the spring
  • welcome-back picnic in September
  • autumn bike ride in Bethpage State Park
  • Christmas caroling and Christmas dinner.


As disciples of Jesus, we are called to bring God's love to our neighbors.  

We are using our church house as a home for a refugee family, providing them with furniture, housewares, and help adapting to life in the United States. 

We offer our church building as a resource to a nursery school, Girl Scouts, AA and GA, and the Freeport Community Band.  (Interested in using our space? Call or use the Contact Us form!)

We minister to the hungry by cooking for the Freeport soup kitchen and collecting food offerings for local food pantries.  At Christmas we decorate our sanctuary trees with gloves, mittens and scarves for those in need, and collect toys for children in a local youth program.  Throughout the year other opportunities for ministry may arise -- past years have included providing Mental Health First Aid and Narcan trainings for the community.