Our Church

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COVID-19 Precautions

We offer worship in-person and live, online every Sunday; see our Facebook page for each week's Zoom link or email us for more information.  In the sanctuary we offer sanitizing stations and practice contact tracing, social distancing, masking, and increased ventilation.  Anyone not feeling well is encouraged to worship from home.  


Welcome Message

FPCWelcome to the Web Space of First Presbyterian Church of Baldwin.   If you are looking for a perfect church you should probably try elsewhere but if you want to be part of a group of folks seeking to connect their lives to God whilst enriching the life of their community then this is a great place to be.

The focus of everything we do is our weekly worship service. As we open our hearts to God we are empowered to serve.  We worship in a traditional way, sharing in new and old songs that have blessed the Christian community, participating in liturgy and listening for God’s Word through scripture and reflection.

We have Sunday School for our youth and an Adult Forum for our not so young ones. We are developing programs in the week, both for youth and adults, that offer opportunities for discovery and fellowship.

Many in the community know of the Church as the place where the Community Nursery School of Baldwin meets each week, one of a number of community ventures that make use of our facilities.  The congregation is supportive of numerous mission activities both locally and beyond..

Come and join us! We’d love to have you on board as we travel together on a journey of discovery shaped and inspired by the love of God we together find in Jesus Christ.