A Brief History of First Presbyterian Church Baldwin, NY
In 1923 the area north of the LongIsland Railroad in Baldwinbegan to be developed. Rev. Wilfred Moody, of the Presbyterian Church Extension Committee aquired the use of the facilities of the Fire Department on Baldwin Avenueand began a small Sunday School that in December 1923 also met for worship.
In May of 1925 a church was chartered with a membership of 59. As the membership grew need came for a more permanent home and a cornerstone was laid at St Luke’s Place on November 30th, 1930; the original church buildingbeingcompleted in 1931.
Growth, particularly amongst the Youth and Children (who by the mid-1940’s numbered some 500) saw the addingof an educational wingin 1949. Two services were needed to accommodate the worship services.
Plans for a new buildingwere approved in 1960, the membership at that time reachingthe 900 mark. Ground was broken in 1961, the current sanctuary buildingbeingdedicated on June 10th, 1962.
In the summer of 1962 a non-profit nursery school began to be hosted, an arrangement that still continues to attract families from all over the community. The church continues to be a home to numerous organizations includingScoutingand various support organizations such as AA.
These days our membership is smaller than the church’s heyday. Demographics in the area have changed. However: We are alive and well You will find here a people of good spirit who are aware of a great heritage in terms of pastors, leaders, elders and deacons and who seek to respond to God’s call in as many different ways as they are different people.
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